Ten Shekels and a Shirt – by Paris Reidhead
"I say to you, Christian friend: come to the cross and join Him in union with His death, and enter into all the meaning of death to self in order that He can have glory. I say to you, dear Christian, if you do not know the fullness of the Holy Ghost, come and present your body a living sacrifice, and let Him fill you so that He can have the purpose for His coming fulfilled in you and get glory through your life. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO GET OUT OF GOD, IT'S WHAT'S HE GOING TO GET OUT OF YOU. Let's be done, once and for all, with utilitarian Christianity that makes God a means, instead of the glorious END that He is…Let's come and cast ourselves at the feet of the nail-pierced Son of God and tell Him that we're going to obey Him, and love Him, and serve Him as long as we live, BECAUSE HE IS WORTHY!"
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Ten Shekels and a Shirt by Paris Reidhead
01. Ten Shekels and a Shirt
02. The Levite
03. Pragmatism
04. Humanism
05. Liberal, Fundamentalist...or Neither?
06. Reverence for Life
07. What About You?
08. The Difference!
09. The Power of the Spirit
10. The Lamb Who Was Slain
11. Copyright Info