4 Jesus: Keep Christ in Christianity
Who is Jesus to You?
- Is He a figure from history for you to think about, or is He a living presence and reality in your daily existence?
Is He a compilation of stories and doctrines, or is He a Person?
- Is He locked up between AD 30 and 33 in your awareness, or is He free to control your present moment?
- Are His words something you chew on, or something you swallow and feed on?
- Is He located in a distant heaven off beyond Alpha Centauri, or is He someone in whom you “live and move and have your being”?
- When you are tempted, do you just try harder, or can you approach His throne of grace with confidence in your time of need?
- And if you sin, have you broken His rules–or His heart?
- You have the teachings of Christ; do you also have the mind of Christ?
- Is He the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, or is He a theological abstraction?
Jesus has defined for us the foundation of the church. He is that foundation. And who we perceive Him to be determines who we can become. That fact must determine how we think and how we function, both in us personally as believers and corporately in our local churches. Jesus is ALIVE!
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