4 Jesus: Keep Christ in Christianity


Who is Jesus to You? Jesus has defined for us the foundation of the church. He is that foundation. And who we perceive Him to be determines who we can become. That fact must determine how we think and how we function, both in us personally as believers and corporately in our local churches. Jesus is ALIVE!

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4 Jesus: Keep the Christ in Christianity

01. The Testimony of Jesus 02. The Message 03. Conspicuously Absent 04. Two Apostles Describe Their Gospels 05. Face or Vase? 06. No Longer From a Worldly Point of View 07. What Do You See? 08. Everything Else is Rubbish! 09. When Paul and Timothy Were Thinking About These Matters... 10. The Boundaries or the Center? 11. Ultimately Divisive 12. In All Things Preeminent 13. Defining the Group By Its Center 14. A Plea 15. Copyright Information