"That's the nature of the ekklesia, the household of God, 'the pillar and foundation of the truth.' It's people who have enlarged the place in their hearts to accept God's government with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. They have a deep love affair with Jesus and an expression of His Kingdom in their lives. Obedience and love and devotion and sincerity—the ways, character, and personality of Jesus—emanate from them in all that they do. Satan is therefore defeated and humiliated.
01. Consuming Zeal7:59
02. Prophetic People11:30
03. An Impassioned Priesthood3:29
04. Would You Sell Out for a Dream3:17
05. Get Engaged2:25
06. Family Song8:48
07. I Will Build My Church8:34
08. The Administration3:54
09. Together We'll Walk It Out8:35
10. God's Intention--Now!4:29
11. I've Come to Realize1:14
12. There Will Be a People3:57
13. Beyond Our Wildest Dreams