A Light Has Dawned
God has always been a God of Opportunity, not a God of "sentencing." There's no one who has to fail! It's God's express desire that no one perish, but that everyone come to repentance. There's not a single person that God hasn't opened the door of opportunity to. He's granted you the ability to turn your face towards Him. No one is ever tempted beyond what he can bear; you are always given a way out. God has ordained it so.
"Everyone is without excuse," Paul said. The scriptures are clear that there's no one who has too big a mountain to climb, too big a struggle, to big a burden, too many obstacles, too many weaknesses. God's blown that away by His grace and made Provision in His Son, Jesus. There's no one who calls on the Name of the Lord who shall ever be put to shame! He prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies. He makes a spread and throws a party, just to humiliate the enemy. And that's true for everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord, who truly turns his face towards Him, who humbles himself and bows his knee to the Lordship of Jesus.
There's no one who "can't make it." It's impossible—totally impossible. You weren't born onto this planet to fail. You were not brought onto this planet to live for yourself and to die in fear and poverty and to be destined for eternal hell…The love of the Father is so great, and the palm of His hand is so broad, that all the stars in the universe fit in it. You can't fall off of His palm, if you've put yourself in that palm of your own free will, if you've chosen to submit your hard heart and strong will and self life. If you've chosen to lose your life, you'll find it!
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01. God of Opportunity
02. Enfold You
03. Seek Honestly
04. Sin: the Fatal Disease
05. What is Hell?
06. He Will Run to You
07. Beyond Our Wildest Dreams
08. He Died for My Sin
09. Feeling the Need for Messiah
10. Take a Leap & Let Go
11. I Abdicate
12. A Promise
13. If You Believe
14. Search with All Your Heart
15. Where Time Doesn't Exist
16. A Wedding
17. Will You Follow Me?